Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Hey world - I just wanted to post an update here since I haven't blogged in quite some time. I have met so many people online that also suffer chronic conditions, so it has given me some support and makes me feel not so alone and misunderstood. Here's me at my home yesterday. I know I don't look sick but my brain & body are suffering minute to minute all day long. I don't need sympathy I just need love and support. I need to know something one day will help me and I will be strong enough to fight till I get it. 

You can read my initial health journey on this site -  it is not all that updated, but it gives the basis of my health problems that started in 2007. 

I was in remission for a long time after a short flare in 2009 and since Dec 2013 to now July 2015 I have suffered greatly - no end in sight yet. I could never imagine fighting this hard, this long. Yet I have no choice. I want some hope back and I am blessed to have a good support system of family, boyfriend and friends. The doctors still don't know what the heck to do because all of my old treatments don't work anymore -

So if you don't mind - please pray and help me with positive thoughts that one day my life will be brighter again and I won't be struggling to survive against this autoimmune disease that debilitates my brain function and sanity. 

Love you all.