"It is as if I were disembodied. I do not see as me. I do not hear as me. I do not feel as me. I AM NOT REAL ANYMORE.
This body moves, but I am not real. Perhaps the closest thing I can compare this state of being to in my life experience is when I was drugged after surgery and was allergic to the medication. I am somewhere out there, not real, not me; but, in the waves of autonomic dysfunction, I know that it is my body that is trying to die, and I fight to live.
A strange aura envelopes me. Perhaps it is like epilectics experience immediately prior to a grand mal seizure, but mind is unending. My ears ring..I rage against this horror!
To be out of control is unacceptable. I could never be happy drinking alcohol because of the diminished capacity it causes. Perhaps this feeling in my brain is spaced out, or drugged, or high; but not drunk because to be that far out on alcohol would be impossible. I would be unconscious first!!
My months have run together and melted into a nightmare from which there seems to be no waking. Some days it seems that I may shake off the chains of darkness and walk in the light again, but not yet. I sink once more into the abyss."