"Hi Gretchen,
First I want to thank you for getting your story out there for other women to see! I got saline implants 8 years ago and had I known then what I know now, I never would've gotten them. I've been sick for the past 7 years. Well, actually, I started feeling things immediately after my implant surgery but I found out that I was pregnant (got pregnant right before my surgery) and so I can't really say if what I was feeling that first year was from the implants or the pregnancy.
Prior to my implants I was very healthy and very active. I entered several natural bodybuilding contests and was in awe of the fitness competitors and wanted to get that same look! I also thought since so many competitors had implants that it must be safe! When I reasearched them, I was told the saline implants were completely safe...that the worst that could happen would be CC or rupture but that the saline would just absorbe into my body. So I was convinced and thought that by having implants it would improve my look on stage when competing.
One year after implant surgery I started getting various "mysterious" illnesses. From what used to be an active lifestyle, 8 years later I can now barely climb a flight of stairs or even dry my hair without exhaustion! I've been to so many doctors and specialists and have had so many tests. I've been told I have inflammation in my eyes and numerous neuroligial issue but all of my tests come back normal. A few weeks ago, a family member gave me a website to check out! That has led me to many wonderful sites of women experiencing the same things I am. Wow, what an eye opener! I am now in the process of consulting with a PS to have them removed.
I'm not really sure why I'm emailing you except that I admire you for speaking out. My hope is that once my implants are removed I will feel better again to be able to speak out as well -- the more of us that make our voices heard...then maybe someday the medical community will have to listen to us! I wish you much success. God Bless."