Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This is why I do this!

Hi Gretchen,

I wanted to write and commend you on your efforts of educating girls on the risks of implants. I have always wanted implants and after wanting them so long, I set up 3 consultations last week. They went great, I picked a doctor got my finance agreement in order, etc. All i was waiting for was to schedule the date of the surgery. Ever since last week after the consultations I feel anxious, couldn't sleep at night, couldn't stop weighing the pros and cons, and didn't stop bugging my fiance to convince me that implants were not a big deal.. He, however, was uneasy about the whole thing and was actually trying to talk me out of it.

Last night I found your website...after staying up late every night doing research. I found stories on bad experiences but non of them touched me the way your story did. After reading your experiences and others you shared, I made a decision that big boobs were not worth the risk of long term suffering.
Just wanted to thank you and let you know that your suffering wasn't in vein as you are making a difference! I am glad God lead me to your site, there must of been a reason why I felt so insecure about the decision i was about to make.

All the best!
