Sunday, March 30, 2008

Palm Beach, Florida Newspaper Article Mentions Me & My Site

Palm Beach, Florida Newspaper Article Mentions Me & My Site:

Click here

Towards the bottom, the lady talks about problems and then talks about things we chatted about when she interviewed me.

"Like others, they say they were shocked and saddened by Kuleba's death. But, they say, it does not reflect on the safety of the surgery. The teen simply had a bad reaction to anesthesia, they believe.

"It could have happened when she was having her wisdom teeth out," Jessica Angst said.

As for women who report severe health problems, Jessica Angst says it is likely they had unrealistic expectations about the surgery and then blame the implants for a host of unrelated ills.

Women who have devoted their lives to trying to convince others that the surgery is not safe are accustomed to such reactions.

Gretchen Cannon blames her implants for debilitating health problems she suffered almost immediately after she had silicone implants to get back the breasts she lost when intense exercising transformed her from a 34C to AA.

She couldn't concentrate at work. She had no short-term memory. She was constantly tired. Her vision was blurry. She started exhibiting symptoms of lupus and multiple sclerosis.

Nearly a year and three operations later, the 27-year-old California woman said she is almost back to full strength. Ironically, although the implants are out, Cannon's breasts have returned to their pre-exercise size.

She has created a Web site - - to warn other women about breast implants."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I havent seen the show or Kacey yet, but I am told it is at this link.

She didnt get to mention the blog, so that is too bad, but at least she got to talk. I did a phone interview with a woman from the Florida Post today - I hopefully should be quoted in an article soon and will let you know. I was also quoted in the OC Register today as a blogger but my name wasnt mentioned -

Another step in the direction to getting the word out!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet Tomorrow!

There was some very sad news this morning that you may have heard - an 18-year old girl died from having corrective breast surgeries in Florida.
http://www. abcnews. go. com/GMA/PainManagement/story?id=4520099
they say she had a reaction to the Anesthesia.

I was contacted by Gloria Pan – who runs this blog - http://beautyandthebreast. org/ - which I sometimes post on.

The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet - http://www. mandjshow. com/index. php contacted her looking for young
women who had breast implants and took them out, to be guests on the show tomorrow.

The lady at the show got a hold of Kacey Long before she got to me, who is at the site www. implantsout. org – She was 19 when she got sick from saline implants and has been the face of MTV for us– being featured on a few
shows there talking about how she got sick and driving a lot of traffic to her site over the years.

They are flying Kacey out to NYC tonight to be on the show tomorrow morning, along with other guests – due to what happened to the girl in Florida.

Kacey should be mentioning the beauty and the breast blog if she can –
per Gloria’s request since she recommended her to the show, so Gloria asked me to blog about the Florida story today. This will give people something to read when they get to the site about the story they see on the news or the show.

I wrote a blog on the website here - http://beautyandthebreast. org/ called “Florida Teen Dies After Complications During Breast Surgery”.

If Kacey does get to mention the blog on the show, this will be great because they will
also see my link to my website.
As of today, I have 31,649 hits to my site – www. myimplantstory. com – so I am hoping she gets to mention the blog on the show tomorrow so that more people can go online and become more aware of the bad things associated with breast implants and the number goes up. Even if she doesn’t mention it, I am sure there will be more people googling things in the upcoming weeks.

My goal is just to get the word out. If anything, I am just really happy that Kacey gets to go on the show tomorrow and have that little voice that is so hard to be heard in a world of people not wanting to hear about the dangers of cosmetic surgeries. Her site inspired me to create my site, because it gave me hope when I was so scared and let me know that I was not alone. She has supported me via email ever since the 1st time I wrote her when I got sick – and kept in touch ever since.

So, set your Tivo’s to record Mike & Juliet tomorrow morning on Fox, and hopefully Kacey gets to talk!

Thanks & love,


Friday, March 7, 2008

Botox Dangerous Too?

I was just on Public Citizen's website ( and found this very helpful webpage about botox.

Click on this to read it.

Botox sounds dangerous too. At least they are starting to tell some truth, however small - about these things. Scary!

20-year old sick from saline implants

i recieved my implants six months ago they are 450cc's and saline with
silicone case. then all of the sudden six months later i started
having siezures in class. i then had a sinus infection which i have
never had before. i have no history of seizures in my family and my
health is declining fast. i now cannot attend college i have had my
license revoked i cannot drive and im only 20!!!!!!! i am constantly
dizzy and i cannot go in public places because i suffer from anxiety
now. I am a healthy girl i cheered for 8 years and now all this is
happening... i have seen my plastic surgeon and had two CAT scans done
with contrast and without... i have become depressed and lost. i am
now on dilantin and my life is at a holt.... is there any way of help??

i am beginning to correspond with her & am thinking about her daily. i hope she can find a good plastic surgeon who will take out her implants for her so she can start regaining her health.