Monday, December 15, 2014

December 2014 Update

So the steroid wore off again.. from Aug-Nov. I had a bad Thanksgiving and another steroid IV 1000mg Solumedrol. I have been slowly getting better now since Thanksgiving week. If I can get past 3 months again.. that puts me around February. Please pray the steroid and new medications will work. I guess the Quinacrine did not work, but I can't give up. I am seeing a Naturopath now for my hormones, and my Dr. is trying DHEA, 1 week of RAYOS and trying me on XELJANZ.. a new RA treatment. Hopefully it will suppress my immune system enough to stay well. I know steroids are bad for me, and he isnt going to want to keep giving them to me. I also have a 2nd and 3rd Dr opinion scheduled for this week. Prayers please!